Meet the Board of Directors
Your Board of Directors has an essential role in supporting the growth of Main Market Co-op!
They act as the voice of the membership and serve as the governing body of the Co-op, not running daily operations but setting policy and vision for how the store meets our members' needs now and in the future. Your board members welcome your feedback and thoughts. They can be reached by email at board@mainmarket.coop.
The Main Market Board has a maximum of seven seats. Each Director is elected to a 3-year term.

Tamy Roloff
Appointed Director
Elena Stahl
Vice President
Elected Director

Nazeerah Pearson-Muhammad
Elected Director

Seana Boyd
Appointed Director
Charlie Michel
Appointed Director
Call for Board Applicants
The Main Market Board is currently seeking candidates for our upcoming board election.
What does the board do?
The board of directors work together to guide the co-op forward. They create long range strategies to fulfill the co-op's mission and keep us thriving as a member owned, value based natural foods store.
The board provides oversight, creates policy, participates in strategic planning, bolsters member engagement and acts as a partner to the co-op's general manager. The board focuses on high level concerns not operational detail.
​How to apply?
You can download a board application below and email it directly to the board@mainmarket.coop
Or ask a staff member for a paper copy and turn it in at the store. Applications must be submitted by March 1st.

Board Meetings
Members are welcome to attend board meetings. These meetings are between the board and our General Manager to establish a forward-looking vision to cater to our members' current and future needs.
The following are upcoming meetings:
January 21st
February 18th
March 18th
April TBD
May 20th
July 15th
All meetings are held in person at the Main Market Co-op upstairs offices 5:30pm-6:30pm